Project is the process of product creation. That is what the team does to make a product for a client.
The product is what a client wants to get. Product is the result of the kit of results of contract fulfillment.
The goal of any project is the final product.
Our task is to meet the needs and expectations of a client in agreed time, at agreed price and in accordance to the requirements.
With this purpose we have Project Office managed by experience manager. There are developers, testers, implementers, support specialist and professional trainers.
ІТ-project management includes following stages:
- Investigation of clients’ needs,
- Definition of business goals,
- Evaluation of available resources and technical facilities,
- Analysis of usage of available resources for new goals realization,
- Identification of the people interested in project realization (end users, management, investors),
- Project team draft,
- Project management (development, realization, testing, тощо),
- Support and consulting.
Therefore the main blocks of project management are following:
- Time management (it is necessary to finish in time)
- Value management (it is necessary to be under budget)
- Content management (to understand client’s wishes and to realize it in a proper way)
- Quality management
- Risk management
- Procurement management (for upgrade of IT-infrastructure)
- HR management
- Communication management
- Integration management.
The main objectives of the strategy of information technologies development are establishment of technical and technological conditions for realization of company business-strategy, ensuring of company competitiveness, compliance with international standards, consistent decreasing of operational risks and expenditures and decreasing of information system costs with support of necessary technological level.
Strategy of information technologies development will be created presuming that the company develops wide network of brunches and retail units all over Ukraine that provide services to corporate and individual clients with no limits hereof and regardless the volume of operations, including services for VIP-clients.
To reach these main objectives it’s necessary to ensure fulfillment of following tasks:
- Automation of all the directions of company activity now and further development. Informative system shall be the instrument of business management system,
- Integration of informative systems of the company, establishment of single information space,
- Automation of control over company activity when handling the information of real time. Transparency of performance of all information system and technologies of the audit hereof,
- Unification and regulation of operations performance technologies,
- Providing of instruments for improvement of company controllability, technologies for financial analysis, modeling and forecasting, assets and пасивами management based on plan and actual data,
- Support of company development in direction of network development and in direction of new products and technologies development. Constant enlargement of services spectrum and quality improvement of the services when the current operational costs,
- Creation of the platform for technological development of the company which leads to new business models and new products.
Nowadays the automation of all technological cycle of operational performance as well as automation of company management technologies in general, including assets/liabilities, risks, limits, internal standards and others become the most important for successful performance of the company. New strategy of company information systems development proceeds from financial expenditures providing new business directions support, to ensure technological parity with competitors with further break of their results.
The core of information system shall be new automation system (АS), which guarantees new opportunities and technological working principles.
New information system provides the kit of organizational, methodological, technical solutions for effective performance of all the spheres of company activity. It shall be based on following principles:
- Integrity and functionality. The system shall provide optimal degree of automation of all the stages of performance. The integrity provides for the links between the system components as well as the instruments for relevance, completeness and integrity of the data.
- Modularity. The system shell provide the possibility to change separate modules for more effective ones for this class of software. At the same time other modules shall operate in common way.
- Openness and development option. System openness means the system shall comply with own and third parties applications. Development provides the possibility of technological increase of spectrum of servicing of operations and related information systems and the immensity of technical means.
- Immensity is the capability of information system, which previews the growth of system characteristics, reacting speed, general operating capability, etc. when including new resources to the system.
The structure of new information system shall include the main blocks as follows: front-office, middle-office i back-office. The functioning of these blocks shall be in common information area ensuring its’ interaction.
Relation of costs for setup, support and development of ІТ-infrastructure shall be based on the actual, not abstract, business needs. To identify the responsibility not only for functioning of separate technical units, but also for the whole offered service, is the most important issue of relations between business and IT-departments.
As conclusion, it’s necessary to point out a few important things, realized by Aitico when implement IT-solutions for business:
- First, severe market competitiveness requires an active implementation of up-to-date software as a company can get the competitive advantages on the market thanks to the development of information technologies and the quality of customer services,
- Second, essential implementation of monitoring and control system: modern control system previews the formalization of the data for management decision making process as well as the forms, methods and algorithms of its taking. It requires establishing the relationship with respective consulting companies,
- Third, control implementation shall preview the usage of respective competitive software, which require involvement of specialists,
- Forth, when choosing the software we take into consideration the needs of business and management as well as evaluate real benefit from the implementation of software for short-time and long-time perspective,
- Fifth, we implement complex IT-solutions, otherwise the meaning and effect from the implementation of a single module may be distinctly limited in functions of other software.