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Strategic planning & Project management

Strategic planning
Strategic planning

Strategic planning is the most general part as everything starts with the planning. Wrong strategy leads to collapse, when the right strategy is the key to success. It is important to define not only the direction client wants to take, but also to analyze how good is that direction for the client. If the answer is “yes”, it’s necessary to...

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Business analysis
Business analysis

What is business analysis and what is it for?  First of all business analysis is necessary for owners and top-management of company to understand company’s performance and current situation with business plans realization, to compare company’s capability with its’ strategic goals, to outline existing opportunities, to define necessary changes of organizational structure, methodological approach, technical plan, to decide on the...

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Project management
Project management

If the strategy is ready, we shall start project planning. It is necessary to split the way in a few parts, keeping in mind that projects are different. Project may (not obligatory) include programs that each program (its’ parts) may be shared by few projects. The program may include products. Products’ development is quite interesting and creative process. It previews...

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Aitico helps to Start-Up business or project. We use all the approaches and principles of strategic planning, business analysis with modeling and forecasting elements for this purpose. Business Start-Up is carried out on project basis with the complex approach. Start-Up stages: - Definition of business activity (market investigation), - Definition of target group and customers preferences (including customers’ behavior prognosis), - Project investments evaluation...

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Financial management & consulting
Financial management & consulting

  You can start financial management if you know business analysis already. It concerns not only to companies, but also to top-managers. As the result of business activity free costs become available. The question is where to invest, for what period, what risks and what profit can be. The opposite situation is possible too: there are new projects that need additional...

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From idea to business
From idea to business

What if you have only an idea? It costs money and you can make money on it. Our professional team will carry out market analysis; evaluate the chances in the industry; prepare business plan; select and train the team, which is able to run the business, to manage the personnel, to develop marketing strategy and to set up the business....

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